Is your health in line with God’s Will for your life?
Are you living with, managing and maintaining, a preventable/reversible chronic disease?
Are you overweight/obese?
Have you been diagnosed with hypertension, high cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes, Breast, Colon, or Prostate Cancer?
Do you have a family history of preventable/reversible chronic disease(s)?
Do you suffer from any chronic disease that could be made better through a lifestyle change, specifically what you eat?
If you answered “No” or “I don’t know” to question 1 and “No” to any of questions 2-6, then the forrealfoodie™ program is for YOU!
You have a holy responsibility, a spiritual mandate to be in your most abundant health.
Want to learn how to live in your most abundant health? Our online educational program is designed to re-educate you on all the things you thought you knew about being a foodie.
By purchasing a forrealfoodie premium membership, you're also purchasing access to our online educational program. Click the link below to learn more information.